
Infusing oneness into the world and all humankind with intent, actions, and deeds. Apparel that is a gentle reminder to practice self love, peace and human kindness, so as individuals we can spread love to our brothers and sisters of the planet respectfully, compassionately and freely.

Therefore, making every souls Karma, GORGEOUS.

Always remembering that in infinite universe, we all come from the same source, and that is a place of love, peace, equality and awareness of others needs as well as our own.

Everything we do as individual human beings will always be a direct reflection of the way we would in turn, wish to be treated as one.

Hence, changing the world, one person at a time, while raising the positive vibration of the planet as a whole.

Gorgeous Karma Brand’s apparel is the embodiment of the “Golden Rule”, always treating people the way you’d wish to be treated. Making apparel, that when worn, is a conscious and subconscious reminder and message to ourselves and others that we are all connected.

You reap what you “sew”, and will always radiate goodness.

With Gratitude, blessing and love, always!
Lisa Hitchcock-Kallstrom